역대 영화제

제13회 영화제(2019)
My comic club 지켜줘! 만화동아리
  • 2019
  • 20'
  • 높새부 (대학생부)


Title : 지켜줘만화동아리 / my comic club

KOREA / 2019 / HD / Drama / N / 20’52“

Director : 권서림 / Kwon Seo Rim

Position : 서경대학교 / Seokyeong University

Synopsis : 2년의 휴학을 거치고 학교에 복학한 도희그녀는 단짝 친구 준식과 만화동아리 활동을 함께하기로 약속한다그러나 꿈에 그리던 이상형인 학생회장 성우를 만나 학술동아리 가입을 권유받고부터 도희의 새학기는 설렘과 걱정으로 뒤바뀌는데!

Do-hee returns to college after taking time-off for two years. She’s made a pact with her best friend Junshik to join a cartoon club. But her new semester becomes filled with excitement and worries when she gets an invitation from Sung-woo, the student body president and the man of her dreams, to join an academic club!



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