상영 프로그램

Child Welfare 아동급식
  • Korea
  • 2020
  • 14'09"
  • 상영작품



Child Welfare 아동급식

KOREA/2020/ Drama /14’09”

Director】 Hong Yeon I 홍연이
School】 Dong-Ah Institute of Media and Art 동아방송예술대학교
Ki-hyun couples receive child meal welfare in the name of their children. One day, when the amount of child meal welfare is less than what they expect, the couple complains to the welfare center. Dowon, the delivery man who is stealing the food, is in danger of being fired because of the complaint. He suspects that the couple has no children and enters the couple's house.

아이의 이름으로 아동 급식을 받는 기현 부부는 언젠가부터 배달되는 급식의 양이 줄어들자 배달 처에 항의를 한다급식을 훔쳐 먹던 배달원 도원은 항의로 인해 잘릴 위기에 처하자아이가 없는 것을 의심하여 부부의 집에 들어간다.


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