상영 프로그램

No Longer a Child 둥년이는 어린이가 아니에요
  • China
  • 2019
  • 26'29"
  • 상영작품



No longer a Child 둥년이는 어린이가 아니에요

CHINA/2019/ Drama /26’29”

Wang Guanxiang 
Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts 

Tongnian suffers from “Angelman Syndrome”, forcing his family to spend away most of their savings for his treatment. Eventually fed up with the financial pressure that Tongnian puts on the family, his father attempts to abandon Tongnian. Unwilling to let go of her child, Tongnian’s mother leaves the family with Tongnian to raise him all on her own. After many years, Tongnian grows up to become an adult, and his mother passes away, losing his only source of income. He is suddenly forced to learn how to live an independent life amongst the realities of society. He struggles to find a job, his landlord pushes him for rent and threatens to throw him out, and all the while passers-by remain indifferent to Tongnian’s plight. Despite the difficulties posed by this new reality, Tongnian remains strong, waiting for that one day when society will accept him for whom he is.

주인공 둥년(佟年) ‘안젤만 증후군환자다어린 시절부터 치료비로 경제적인 부담이  아버지가 치료에 반대하고 둥년이를 포기하고 싶어했다아들을 차마  버린 어머니는집을 떠나 혼자 둥년이를 키웠다둥년이 어른이 되었을때 함께 의지하고 살아왔던 어머니가 돌아가시면서 집안의 유일한 경제 수입원도 없어졌다둥년이는 어쩔  없이 현실에서 혼자 살아가는 일을 배워야 했다복지 일자리 신청을 하는데 어려움을 겪고 집주인의 월세 독촉을 받아 집에서 쫒겨나고 지나간 사람들의 무관심을 마주하게 된다… 이런 삶의 고통에 맞서면서도 둥년은 소망을 가지고 사회가 둥년이를 받아들여줄  날을 기다리고 있다.


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